Even with a physical disability it is possible to enjoy the silence and beauty of the heathland and moorland. The Caterpillar trail is accessible with a special electric off-road wheelchair or 'Cadweazle' which you can borrow free of charge upon reservation at De Vroente. With the easy-to-drive Cadweazle you will first explore the open sand and then come to the fen Putse Moer. Enjoy the tranquility and the shimmering water. The trail then takes you through the heathland and comes by the fire watchtower. Along the way you will enjoy singing birds and wide, open scenic views. Return to the starting point enjoying the silence of the forest and open dunes.
PS: Because of the loose sand, the Caterpillar trail is not accessible with an ordinary electric wheelchair.
PS: 'I didn't think I'd ever be able to see the heathland again, but thanks to the Cadweazle I can. Thank you very much.' Marie-Christine, 92 years old.
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Met dank aan (natuur)fotografen Marc Slootmaekers, Fred Severin, Dick van Dop en Rudi Delvaux voor het ter beschikking stellen van hun foto’s.