This beautiful trail takes you along avenues with old pines, stately beeches and ancient oaks. You stroll through the Moretus forest. The forest was named after the owner of the former estate, the famous Antwerp printer Jan Moretus. The estate was restored to its former glory and the forest park with rhododendrons exudes tranquility and mystery. With a little imagination you’ll find yourself in the 18th century, when noble ladies and gentlemen strolled in the avenues around the baroque pleasure resort. The Gloriëtte, an 18th century showpiece that belonged to Ravenhof castle, used to be a teahouse and has been a protected national monument since 1990. It offers a magnificent view on the surrounding avenues and the castle.
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Met dank aan (natuur)fotografen Marc Slootmaekers, Fred Severin, Dick van Dop en Rudi Delvaux voor het ter beschikking stellen van hun foto’s.