Opgelet: vanwege beheerwerken zullen wandelpaden Fuut en Konijn tijdelijk worden afgesloten vanaf 18 november 2024.
Hiking trail Grebe starts at the Brabantse Wal barn located at Abdijlaan. The trail offers you a nice round trip around the Kleine Meer, a fen restored in 2016. From the forest you suddenly get a nice, open view over the wide fen. Take your binoculars with you: in wet periods you can spot water birds (grebe, little grebe) on the fen. If there is enough water in the fen, you can also find (rare) shore weed here. On your route you will also come across craters from the Second World War.
PS: This walking route is waymarked anticlockwise.
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Met dank aan (natuur)fotografen Marc Slootmaekers, Fred Severin, Dick van Dop en Rudi Delvaux voor het ter beschikking stellen van hun foto’s.